If you can't find a relevant preset then you might have to start one from blank
Once you finished adjusting your build you might want to save it
You will need to enter a name for your save
You can then access your saved setup here
You can then Load or Download your saved setup as json
Class Selection
HP Control
First row set Max HP/SP to a fixed number
Second row lets you control current HP
Level / Job Level
Base Stats
Equip / Buff Bonus Stats
Job Bonus Stats
Apply Max Job Level Bonus, when toggled Job Bonus Stats will be
automatically assigned as if Job Lvl is 70/50 (70 for 3rd job, 50 for
4th job)
Calculated with current class, weapon, stat and buffs
Chosen Target
Drop down offers different bosses to test with
Defensive Stats
Numbers shown in (-xx.xx%) indicates the damage reduction without
Expand Section
Offers modification of the fields
Each level of Green Aura reduces damage taken by 90%, e.g, 1: 90%,
2: 99%, 3: 99.9%
Self-explanatory, click on Setting and enable whatever is applicable
Selected Skill
Drop down offers different skills and different versions of skills to
test with
Various attribute / settings of the skill
Skill Modifier comes from buffs and equips
Skill Settings
Displays attributes of current skill
Displays all available skills
Expand Section
Enables editting of current skill
Custom Mastery ATK Addition
Buff Skill Level
Access to Buffs from other Classes
Equip Configuration
Example of what field is what
These are buttons - Access to Card, Enchant Presets
Edit Equip / Card / Enchant Effect
View / Edit effects
Equip Summary
Text Summary of all equips
Equip Presets
Access pre-entered equips
Load by picking from drop down then Load button or Load All Presets
Expanding this section will display all steps in damage calculation
Expanding this section will display all the related modifier from buff
and skills
You will need proper understanding of the different types of multiplier, skill
characteristics and attributes of equipments to utilize this calculator
Feel free to ask if you don't know how to plug in values
Most relevant Cash Shop related equipments are already entered in Preset but there may
be error (either from WarpPortal or ourside)
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Contact Info
TwRO:巴基力 蘭禮 200等獵靈士
Twitter @Landgris
PTT ID: valkyria
gamer.com.tw ID: randgris
This calculator is for people to test equipment without having to borrrow/buy
so everyone can save some zeny
If you'd like to donate to Landgris you can click the OPay link below
You can email Landgris or contact Cate to get your name to be added to
Donate to Landgris
Donate to Cate
UpdatesUpdate Detail
Hello, Cate here.
Currently we have skills from different balance patches available and we'll be
referring them as the following
Version 1: The very first version of 4th job skills where most are irrelevant
Version 2: The first rebalance to 4th job skills, kRO 2021-09-01 - current basic 4th job
Version 2.5: kRO 2022-06-02
Version 3: Expanded 4th job patch, see here
Version 4: Level 260/55 Expansion, see here
I will be working on updating the skill formulas on current expanded skills but it
will take some time before I can get to it. -Cate
Please reach out to me on forum or discord for questions and/or concerns,
Skill Multiplier
%?Skill LevelHit CountFCTVCTCooldownCast DelayRangedApply Crit DamageHalf Crit RateUse AmmoTreats Hard DEF as SoftBypass Hard DEFLate Range Mod(minimizing error)Late Skill Mod(minimizing error)Damage Type
Saved List
{{ item.skill.name }}Lv {{ item.skill.level }}{{ item.skill.formula }}{{ item.skill.hitnumber }} HITRanged
Half Crit Rate
Treats Hard DEF as SoftLate Range Mod(minimizing error)Late Skill Mod(minimizing error)FCT {{ item.skill.FCT
VCT {{ item.skill.VCT
CD {{ item.skill.CD }}s
Cast Delay {{
item.skill.GCD }}s
Memo: {{ item.skill.Note }}
❓untested item⭐non-iRO item
Load All Presets
No equipment to show
Copy Basic Equip TextCopy Full Equip TextCopy Equip Effect
Character InfoCurrent Stat
Save Stat>>>
Name of Current Config
Character Save NameClass
Originated from TwRO - tailored for iRO
Character Status
{{status.HP}} / {{status.MHP}}
{{status.SP}} / {{status.MSP}}
LevelJobLevelSTR+{{status_add.STR}}+={{status_total.STR}}AGI+{{status_add.AGI}}+={{status_total.AGI}}VIT+{{status_add.VIT}}+={{status_total.VIT}}INT+{{status_add.INT}}+={{status_total.INT}}DEX+{{status_add.DEX}}+={{status_total.DEX}}LUK+{{status_add.LUK}}+={{status_total.LUK}}Used Pt.{{computeattribute.RaisingStatsPoint}}
Used Pt.{{computeattribute.RaisingStatsPoint}}
Short of
Talent Stats
Short of
Range Mod%:{{attribute['RNGDP']}} %Bonus Range Damage%:{{attribute['RNGDDI']}} %Reduce Element Resist%:{{attribute['ELEDDI']}} %Skill Mod%:{{option.EquipSkillAddDamage}} %POW:{{status_total.POW}}P.ATK:{{attribute.PATK}}Cooldown:{{attribute['CD']}} sCast Delay%:{{attribute['GCD']}} %
({{computeattribute['CastDEXINT']-530}})Total Cast Time:{{computeattribute['CastTime']}} sDelay Time:{{computeattribute['DelayTime']}} sASPD:{{status.ASPD}}Delay Between ATK:{{computeattribute['AspdDelay']}} s
Cooldown/Delay > ASPD Delay
Improving Cooldown/Cast Delay can improve spam
Cooldown/Delay > ASPD Delay
Improving ASPD can improve spam
Action per sec:{{computeattribute['HitperSec']}}
This calculation is theoretical Ping and animation can still
affect actual outcome
Copyright(c) Landgris
| Translated by Cate